Customizing the RA Appearance

Custom RA Styles allows CA administrators to upload and apply their own logos and style sheets (CSS) for the RA web. This allows you to change the appearance of RA Web menus and buttons and customize the background etc. Uploaded styles are be bound to specific roles in order to allow for multi-tenancy on the RA.

Access Rights

In order to modify the appearance of the RA, the following access rules are required:

  • /administrator/

  • /system_functionality/edit_systemconfiguration/

Applying Styles To Roles

Once styles are uploaded, it has to be bound to a role to take effect. To apply a custom style to a role, go to CA UI → Roles and Access Rules and select the desired style from the RA Styles list menu. The next time members of this role login to the RA Web, their new style is applied. Keep in mind that images and CSS files are browser cached and changes might thus not appear until the browser cache is invalidated or cleared manually.

If an administrator belongs to multiple roles with RA Styles applied, the desired style can be changed using the RA Web Preferences menu.